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Key Information

The School Day

Children should not arrive before 8.40am, unless attending Breakfast Club, as no supervision is available.

School Sessions

The school is open from 7.45am until 5pm Monday - Friday (excluding school holidays) but unless you have booked Breakfast Club and /or After School Club your child will be required to attend as follows:

  • 8.40 (for 8.50 start) – 12.00
  • 1.00 – 3.20

This equates to 35 hours and 45 minutes per week.


It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to contact the school via email on the first day their child is absent by 9am.  Failure to do so will result in the absence being recorded as unauthorised (even if we are informed at a later date of the reason).  

Please email: stating your child’s name and reason for absence i.e been sick, (not just unwell).  Parents/carers should continue to contact the school daily, unless directed otherwise, until their child returns to school. 

House System:

Children will join a well established House system which they are encouraged to support through good behaviour, hard work and co-operative team spirit. Team points are awarded to pupils throughout the school day for shining their light!

Houses are:

Downs - Green

Malling - Red

Medway - Blue

Pilgrims - Yellow

School Uniform:

  • White shirt or blouse
  • Grey Skirt or Grey Pinafore dress or trousers
  • School Tie – elasticated for KS1 (available at Pages School Shop)
  • School Jumper or School Cardigan with logo (available at Pages School Shop)
  • White/grey socks or grey tights
  • Black flat heeled shoes, closed toe sandals with a back
  • Girls summer dress – pink and white check

PE Kit

  • Black Shorts
  • T-Shirt in House colour
  • Black Plimsolls/trainers
  • Black, grey or burgundy jumper/hoodie
  • Burgundy or black jogging bottoms in winter (if wanted)

Additional Items

  • PE Bag (available from Pages)
  • Book Bag (available from Pages)
  • White or Maroon caps for the summer
  • Art Apron/old adults shirt to be left in school
  • Wellies to be kept in school (any child without wellies or old shoes will be unable to go onto the school field when it is wet)
  • Can you please ensure all items are clearly LABELLED.
  • Earrings (small studs only) must be removed for PE and Swimming
  • Items of jewellery including rings and watches should not be worn to school.
  • Hair for school must be tied back if long enough for Health and Safety reasons. Extreme hair styles for boys or girls are not suitable for school. Any hair accessories should be small and suitable for school. Make up or nail varnish should not be worn to school.



Year 1 upwards

Should children wish, pencil cases can be brought into school containing the following items:

  • Pencil sharpener
  • Ruler 
  • Rubber
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Colouring pencils

The school will provide HB pencils and handwriting pens

Nut Free School 

At Burham CE Primary School we strive to provide a safe learning environment for all children. Due to some of our pupils suffering with life threatening nut allergies, we are a NUT-FREE SCHOOL.

An allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of nut products, cross contamination and breathing nut dust in the air. Since this condition can be life threatening, we are asking all members of the school community for their help in minimising the risk to these children by:

a) Avoiding giving children nuts or nut products in their packed lunches (for example Nutella)

b) Avoiding giving nuts or nut products or snacks/bars containing nuts for break time snacks

c) Avoiding supplying the school with cakes or food items containing nuts for birthday celebrations, sales or events

d) Avoiding sending containers such as cereal boxes for DT / Art lessons into school which may have contained produce made with nuts.

We do acknowledge that many foods are labelled as ‘may have been produced in a factory handling nuts and cannot be guaranteed to be nut free’. Such items will be allowed in school as it would be unreasonable to expect these to be kept out of school.

Please note where a member of staff notices a pupil eating a nut product, the food item will be politely removed and the member of staff will explain to the pupil why this has happened. We will inform the relevant parent/carer if this has occurred.

Due to the severity of the problem, it is important that all parents carry out the suggested measures and reduce the risk of allergic reaction to these children.