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Our School Vision

‘Let your light ‘shine’ before others that they may see your good works.’
Matthew 5 v 16

Success – Happiness – Independence - New experiences - Engagement

Our vision is for all our children at Burham CEP School to ‘Shine’. We believe that all children should be
given opportunities to ‘Shine’ and discover their true unique potential through rich, engaging new
experiences that enable them to be successful, happy and independent.
At Burham Church of England Primary School we respect, value and include each and everybody. It is our
aim to provide children with a safe, happy learning environment in which every member of the school
community will thrive. Our aim is for children to build enriching relationships and become responsible,
caring and successful citizens.
At Burham our values are firmly rooted in the Christian foundation of the school: enabling every child to
grow spiritually and emotionally; fostering a deep sense of personal identity and self-worth; and guided
by the loving example of Jesus Christ. We want for all children to ‘shine their good works’ through our
explicit Christian values of ‘CRAFT’, which are woven into all we do.

What ‘SHINE’ means at Burham...


We want for every child at Burham to achieve their full potential and succeed in all they do. We do this through the provision of a rich, ambitious and progressive curriculum, which is accessible for all.


We want our pupils to be happy, have a love of learning, a passion for knowledge and a hunger to develop and grow academically. This is achieved through a safe, nurturing environment where everybody is included, accepted and celebrated.


We want our pupils to be confident, independent learners who are able to take ownership of their own learning through initiative, investigation, exploration and self-assessment.

New experiences…

We want our pupils to experience a rich and broad curriculum through wider opportunities such as trips, residentials, after school clubs and competitive sports.


We believe learning should be exciting, engaging and inspiring for all children. This is achieved through interactive learning that promotes discussion, curiosity and self-evaluation. We believe learning should be active, hands on and memorable.


Our Christian Value: