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Inclusion and SEND

At Burham Church of England Primary School we understand the importance of helping each child achieve their full potential; we ensure that every child is fully included in all school activities.  We appreciate that all children are individuals and that they learn in different ways.  Our school works hard to make sure that Special Educational Needs are identified early in order for us to create the ideal learning environment for each child. 

We are proud of the excellent relationship we have with a range of outside agencies which allows us to access support or additional facilities should we need them.  Our staff work closely with parents to share information.

Our SENCO is Mrs C Nettleingham. 

She can be contacted via email or telephone the school office on 01634 861691 and leave a message for her.

The SEND Information Report has all the information you need regarding SEND in our school.

To view the KCC SEND Strategy click on the following link:

To view Kent's Local Offer click on the following link:

The Mainstream Core Standards
The Mainstream Core Standards provide a framework for schools to support children and young people with SEND. This is further supported by the county wide approach to inclusive education, which details the plan in moving forward in making sure SEND children and young adults are included in mainstream education.
The document (which can be accessed below) has been co-produced with parents, children and young adults, schools, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, colleagues from health and the local authority.