Please see our Policies below.
If you require paper copies of our policies or any information on our website, please ask the school office.
- Acceptable Use Policy 2024pdf
- Accessibility Policypdf
- Anti-bullying Policypdf
- Attendance Policy 2024-25pdf
- Behaviour Policy.docxpdf
- Charging and Remissions Policypdf
- Collective Worshipdocx
- Complaints Policypdf
- Data Protection Policy 2022pdf
- Drugs Policypdf
- Educational Visits and Activities Policypdf
- English Policy 2024pdf
- Equal Opportunities Policypdf
- Equality Statement and Objectivesdocx
- Exclusions Policypdf
- Health and Safety Policypdf
- Image Use Policypdf
- KCC Admission Arrangements 2022-23pdf
- Lettingspdf
- Managing Serial And Unreasonable Complaintspdf
- Marking and Feedback Policypdf
- Maths Policy July 2023pdf
- Mobile and Smart Technology Policypdf
- Music Policypdf
- Nut-Free-Policypdf
- Parent/Carers Acceptable Use Policypdf
- Pay Policy (Schools and Academies)pdf
- PE Policypdf
- Positive Handling Policypdf
- Promoting The Education Of Looked After Children And Previously Looked After Childrenpdf
- PSHE and Citizenshipdocx
- Pupil Privacy Notice 2022pdf
- RE Policypdf
- Records Management Policypdf
- Relationships & Health Education Policypdf
- Safeguarding Policy 2023 - 2024pdf
- Safer Recruitment Policy & Statementpdf
- School Code of Conduct 2023pdf
- School Grievance Policypdf
- School Visitors Policypdf
- SEND Policypdf
- Social Media Policypdf
- Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Policypdf
- Subject Access & Pupil Information Procedures 2022pdf
- Supporting pupils with medical needs policypdf
- Uniform Policypdf
- Visitor/Volunteer Acceptable User Policypdf