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Ofsted Reports

Dear Parents/carers,

I am writing to you all to share the outcome and final Ofsted report following our recent visit on the 26th June. I am delighted to inform you that Burham has been graded as a ‘Good’ school. We are extremely proud of the inspection report, which recognises the new journey the school has been on since September and references the embedded vision of ‘SHINE and CRAFT’. It recognises that ‘pupils are happy’ and ‘feel safe at this school’. The report indicates that ‘pupils enjoy learning the curriculum’ and that the school has ‘developed a curriculum which is accessible for all pupils, which has high aspirations, including for those pupils with SEND.’ It acknowledges the ‘wider curriculum opportunities that enhance pupils’ learning’ and enables ‘learning beyond the curriculum’.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. It has certainly been a busy year especially with our SIAMS visit back in February. I truly am very proud of all the pupils at Burham CE Primary, who are at the centre of everything we do here at Burham. I would particularly like to thank the staff at Burham CE Primary School, who have worked relentlessly this year in creating a school and learning experience that ‘SHINES’ for all. It is wonderful that the school’s achievements have been recognised by Ofsted and we look forward to continuing to build on the success of this report and developing the areas of improvement mentioned.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs H Goddon
